
Anne Frank essay assignment

Congratulations you have finished reading the Diary of Anne Frank.  I hope you enjoyed it. Now it's time to learn a bit more about the events that took place during this horrible period of world history. Assignment: You will be writing an informative essay about ONE  of the following subjects 1.  The German occupation of Amsterdam during WWII 2.  The lives of Otto Frank or Miep Gies after the wat 3.  The concentration camps Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen Your essays must be at least five paragraphs long. Use references from the Diary of Anne Frank in your essay and think about how it relates to your subject Use this link to find information for your essay.

Meet Mr. Stephen

Welcome to Sixth grade! We have an exciting year ahead of us and I want to get to know every one of you. Please leave a comment below to let me know a few things I can do to make our year more enjoyable. Here are a few things about me 1.  I have been a teacher for 15 years 2.  I love to play guitar and sing. I will have a club for anyone that wants to learn guitar. That's me on the left with one of the bands I play with 3. I really want all of my students to do the best they can in class Please click on the link to find out about school supplies and how to contact me